Heromay Enterprise (Business License 003644461-D), established in 2024, offers an innovative platform that connects individuals with nearby helpers to resolve a wide range of problems quickly and efficiently.

When you need help, you may use our App to find nearby Hero to help you.

You just keyin the following details :

1) What help you need?

2) How much price u willing to pay after the Hero helped you?

3) Where is your location?

After Hero helped you, and you are happy, then you pay money cash to him.

Example, when you need a Hero take umbrella cover you to cross a street. You use Heromay app to find nearby Hero :
Then all nearby Hero's mobile device received your job offer notification, Hero can choose to accept your offer :
Then Hero come to meet you :
Then Hero help you solve the problem :
Then you pay money cash to the Hero :

Nearby Hero may help you in many different things :

I suggest you Add To Homescreen, so when you need help, with just one click, you can open HeroMay app quickly to get help from nearby Hero.

Follow these steps to add HeroMay to your homescreen: